Like most of Berlin, Moabit has its share of signs ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime, including many that have outlived the stores whose names they bear. This far-from-complete roundup features some of the neighborhood’s most colorful signage.

Rosentraum, Beusselstraße, closing date unknown. Until renovations began in April 2016, the abandoned cafe below gave off an overpowering wild-animal scent from the cracks in its windows, potentially from urban foxes—a fairly common sight on upper Beusselstraße.

These signs, across Beusselstraße from Rosentraum (above), share an amazing geometric sans font. However, they likely belonged to two different businesses—unless one business was both a seed supplier (Samenhandlung) and clothing steam-presser (Heißmangel).

South entrance, Arminiusmarkthalle, Arminiusstraße. Of Berlin’s 14 original Markthalle, only this one has remained continuously open since its unveiling in 1891.

Aquaristik Mannhardt on Beusselstraße (closed 2015).

The beautiful (but sadly non-functioning) phone booth outside the Rathaus Tiergarten on Turmstraße.

The complimentary signs of Otto-Apotheke and Otto’s Berliner Curry, Ottostraße.

Gandalf Pub, Gotzkowskystraße, closing date unknown. Based on the name alone, we’re holding out for some unknown benefactor to reopen this one.